Contact Career Development
Phone: 570-945-8337
Location: 2nd Floor Hibbard Campus Center
Make an appointment online.
Login to Handshake with your KC Credentials.
Resumes and Interview Preparation
Career Development will help students and alumni through the job application and interview process. Learn to market your self and develop a cover letter and resume that impressively reflects your professional experience and academic achievements. We can also prepare you for the interview process and learn what to expect.
Marketing and Branding
Learn to market yourself for your career search with “personal branding.” Branding refers to a broad set of options for marketing your name, personality, expertise, and style. Like most components of the job search, you should begin by looking inwards and do a self-assessment. Understand your career goals, your strengths and your weaknesses. What are our values and passions? What makes you unique?
Once you have identified your brand, you will be able to apply it to your job search. Marketing yourself makes it easy for potential employers to identify you as a good match for their needs.
Cover Letter and Resume
In most situations when you are applying for a job or internship, you will need to include a cover letter with your resume. The cover letter informs an employer of who you are, what your qualifications are for the position, and also thanks them for considering you for the position. Career Development will help students and alumni develop a cover letter and resume that impressively reflects their professional experience and academic achievements.
Writing Resources
Already have a cover letter and resume?
Upload your resume and/or cover letter into Handshake for Career Center feedback.
In most cases, we will return it to you within five business days, with written comments and suggestions. You can also meet Career Development for a follow-up after your resume has been critiqued.
Interviewing and Meeting with Employers
Preparing for the Interview
- Research the company/organization.
- Identify personal qualities that match the position.
- Prepare your elevator pitch, a 30-60 second introduction.
- Prepare answers to common questions.
- Be ready to ask your own questions.
- First impressions count, dress the part.
- Have a resume ready to provide to the employer.
Download the Interview Guide Sheet
Mock Interviews
Sign up for a mock interview with Career Development and get valuable feedback on ways to improve your interviewing skills. Schedule an appointment with us at or call 570-945-8335.